WEB-DAV Linux File System(davfs)

Visit our * project Homepage, http://sourceforge.net/projects/dav/ *

What is it?

Davfs is a Linux file system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV server as a local disk drive.

WebDAV is an extension to HTTP that allows remote collaborative authoring of Web resources, defined in RFC 2518.

Davfs allows a remote Web server to be edited using standard applications that interact with the file system. For example, a remote Web site could be updated in-place using the same development tools that initially created the site.
Davfs supports SSL.

How can I get it

It's an open source project and you can download it from davfs project homepage

RPM Files from http://rpmfind.net. Thanks to Packagers!

  • kernel-fs-davfs
  • davfs

    How to compile and install

    Davfs will only compile with a linux kernel source. It requires linux version 2.4.x or a higher version.
    tar xvfz davfs-x.x.x
    cd davfs-x.x.x
    make install
    you can use --with-ssl, --with-kernel options, when you do configure.

    How to use it

    You can mount your dav server using mount.davfs
    mount.davfs http://dav.sourcefoge.net /dav
    mount.davfs https://dav.sourceforge.net /dav2
    If you want use proxy server, you can mount like this:
    mount.davfs http://dav.sourcefoge.net /dav -c"http://proxy.kebi.com"
    Now, you can handle files or directories in mounted directory.

    How to join the project

    WEB-DAV Linux File System(davfs) is an open source project under GPL.
    You can join our project as a developer. Please visit our project home page, http://sourceforge.net/projects/dav.
    Sung Kim
    Last modified: Aug 30, 2001